SD注射屋 offers a variety of different methods of payroll time sheet reporting that allows you to provide your staff with the simplest and most effective method of time collection possible. Options as simple as collecting just the date and number of hours to collecting comprehensive project based details inSITE has a time collection screen that best suites your organizational needs (and your users’ abilities).
The right time entry interface for your employees makes all the difference in the world, 但这并不是唯一的考虑. Providing an easy to use interface helps eliminate the age old adage of “Garbage In = Garbage Out”.
Centralized administration of work codes and projects ensure that your staff has access to only what they need; no more, 不. 消除混淆增加了时间输入的准确性, which means less time required to verify the data before it goes to your payroll or accounting system.
Using inSITE for project based time collection also allows for the automatic distribution of labor hours across various projects eliminating the need for time consuming time allocation procedures.
和时间输入一样, 员工费用入帐可能比你的员工需要的更困难, 主管和会计人员. 要记住一大堆密码, 更改里程费率,迟交或遗失收据, 记录和批准员工开支可能是一场噩梦. SD注射屋是基于保持过程中所有步骤简单的前提. 我们建立在易于使用员工输入的想法之上, 流畅的界面和集中的管理提供了简单, 但有效的, 你的员工会接受的费用录入和审批流程.
SD注射屋 can use either electronic or paper receipts to match the needs of your organization. Employee mileage reimbursements for mileage are based on the date an expense was incurred (not when it was entered 提交ted).
SD注射屋 also allows for the use of the same set of project codes used in time entry to make expense entries in SD注射屋. This allows for the consistent allocation of expenses across the appropriate cost codes.
While the Internet provides a new level of connectivity it also opens the doors to a host of new security concerns. 其中一个担忧是敏感文件的分发.
While E-Mail gets things to the right people quickly it also opens up the door for loss of control. SD注射屋 can provide you with a new level of security when it comes to the distribution of documents across the Internet.
The Document Portal in SD注射屋 allows for the secure distribution of sensitive and important documents. The document portal allows for the distribution of documents to specific users or groups of users and includes functionality for tracking document usage and making sure documents are not available before or after you require them to be.
You can reduce the time it takes to distribute information and improve the level of security surrounding sensitive documents.
Employee evaluations are important; and you should treat them as such.
Traditional evaluation systems create mountains of paper that get manually distributed to the organization. 审查和批准过程可能是繁琐和耗时的.
SD注射屋 helps reorganize and re-optimize the evaluation process by leveraging both the workflow created for time and expense approval and the easy to use SD注射屋 interface. SD注射屋提供个人和主管评估, peer evaluations and project-based evaluations that allow for internal and external responses.
All evaluation information is kept in SD注射屋 where it can be reviewed at a later time or simply kept on file for historical purposes.
Our team of digital innovators help organizations unpack what digital means to them by challenging the status quo with the art of the possible and guided by our set of client-focused values.
改变是具有挑战性的, 这就是为什么我们承诺恭敬地挑战现状, 表达我们真实的想法,促进艰难的对话, 都在
我们了解当今商业的复杂性和速度, which is why we approach each digital journey with an unrelenting focus on successful outcomes for our clients.
We approach each engagement through the eyes of the business leaders and stakeholders to design, 制定策略, 从客户的角度出发,开发和实施解决方案.
我们交付了一个庆祝里程碑的迭代路线图, learns from roadblocks and prioritizes continuous progress toward client objectives.
拥有500多名专业人士的强大公司, we have the business expertise and digital mindset to provide end-to-end solutions that account for industry, 监管和财务方面的考虑.
凭借我们独特的数字专业知识和商业经验, 我们可以以商业的速度动员和提供有影响力的解决方案.